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"Matter of Light I" Oil Painting

The image below, used for the Soft Diamond Light gift package and throughout this website is from an oil painting by Mardi Mylrea in 2007. She is an artist who lives in Sydney Australia. The original painting was purchased by Anatole at a charity art auction for PRASAD Australia Limited. He immediately knew it was destined to be part of the overall project. Mardi responded to the project and agreed to have her painting depicted within the book and CD.

The details of her painting are as follows: ‘Matter of Light I’ (oil on canvas, 112x180cm), 2007.  The pigments used are gold, titanium white, cadmium yellow, Vandyke brown, sienna and raw umber, and blue oil paints of different makes. The painting is used with permission under licence from Mardi Mylrea.

ORDER NOW: 'Soft Diamond Light' artwork production.


Gold Om


"Matter of Light I"